Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chocolate City Beer Joins GBYS!

Chocolate City Beer will be having Growler Hours from 12:30 - 4:30 the day of the GBYS! Take a break from yard sale hopping to pick up some fresh brew.
Growler: $6
Growler/Filled: $16
Fill your Own Growler: $10

Besides selling their delicious beer, the good guys at Chocolate City Beer are offering space in front of the brewery for those that need a spot to set up a yard sale table.
The brewery is located at  2801 8th Street NE, Washington DC, 20017
Contact them at

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Registration is now open for the 5th Annual Great Brookland Yard Sale!

HOW DO I SIGN UP?: To participate please email the BNCA at and include your name, address and hours of your sale. If you want to super charge your sale, you can also provide a list of items and pictures. The information you provide will be posted to a dynamic google map on line and will be used to create a printed map to be handed out to buyers. This will help you stand out and help buyers find your sale among the many we hope to occur that day.

WHAT IS GBYS?: The Great Brookland Yard Sale, GBYS, is a set date for Brookland residents to host concurrent yard sales. The GBYS is organized by the Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association (BNCA). There are three goals for the GBYS: 1) To bring people from across the city into Brookland to see what a great community we have. 2) To get all of us out and about to meet our neighbors and 3) To get rid of our stuff and make a little bit of money.

WHEN: Saturday May 12th from 10:00 AM until 2:00PM (individual yard sale times can vary).

WILL PEOPLE SHOW UP?: Thus far, the GBYS has been a very successful event. But, it takes work. Like previous years, this is a volunteer event and a lot of the coordination will be done via the BNCA Website, The Brookland Avenue Blog, the BNCA Facebook page, the Brookland Listserv, this blog, and posters and flyers. We hope everyone in the Brookland community will do our part to get the word out.

Individuals are encouraged to share information about the GBYS with their neighbors (especially those who aren’t on the internet!), other neighborhood list serves, with local churches, your office-mates and so on. As in previous years, we will create a dynamic map of the yard sale and make it available to print for each yard sale to distribute to your shoppers. Last year the attendance was strong and it was a great event.
WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE A YARD? (Or don't live in Brookland or near heavy foot traffic?): You can still participate in the Great Brookland Yard Sale! St. Anthony Catholic School and Guildfield Missionary Bapist Church are offering tables/space for prospective GBYS sellers.

St. Anthony's
St. Anthony's is renting tables for $20.00, or bring your own table for a $15 fee. 
Tables will be on 12th Street between Lawrence and Monroe beginning at 7:30 AM. 
The sale generally runs from 9:30 AM until 2:30 PM.

Cash is accepted or checks may be made out to "St. Anthony Catholic School."
For more information, contact Michael Thomasian, Assistant Principal.  (202) 526-4657, ext. 105

Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church 
Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church will also be renting tables for $20 
1023 Otis Street, NE, Church Parking Lot from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM

For more information, contact Bro. Charles at (202) 635-0317.

TIPS: We can create the event and conditions favorable to the yard sale, but can’t guarantee that those attending will want to buy what you are selling. However, participants who provided more details about their yard sale – items for sale, pictures, etc, tended to have more traffic and sold more things. Location helps too; those on the edge of Brookland got less traffic than those in the heart of Brookland.

For general info about the GBYS email or visit

Friday, April 13, 2012

GBYS 2012 Flyers are here!

Great Brookland Yard Sale 2012 Flyers have been designed and will start being posted around town. We are getting ramped up and excited - hope you are too!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Great Brookland Yard Sale 2012! Save The Date!

The Brookand Civic Association (BNCA) will be organizing the Great Brookland Yard Sale again this year.

Please save the date - Saturday, May 12th - for the yard sale. There will be much more info to come. Check for periodic updates on the BNCA site. and for updated postings here. We are still fleshing out plans, if you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at and we will do our best to field the inquiry.

Last year we had a phenomenal turnout, lets make this year even better.

Looking forward to a successful 2012 Great Brookland Yard Sale!