Hand 'em out, Post 'em Up!
Once again, Jenny on Taylor has put together a truly awesome yard sale flier for us to use to promote the Great Brookland Yard Sale!
The first set of fliers were designed to share with friends and neighbors to spread the word and get folks to sign up. Please hand these out to help us get more participants. Info on downloading them can be found here.
The new flier, is for you to put up in your office, at local businesses, give to area churches or civic groups to do some grassroots work in promoting the big event. Let's make it happen Brookland!
The flier is in both color (here) and black and white (here). If these links don't work, the files can be found on the listserve, in the files section, in a file called Great Brookland Yard Sale, and the file names are promo_flyer2_color.pdf or promo_Flyer2_bw.pdf.
And if none of that works, just email me and I'll send them over to you. Fortinandrew@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance for helping get these posted and distributed around town.
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